Peach Bites

Citywide Conversation on Transit & Trails
Atlanta Beltline Inc.
This Citywide Conversation on April 2 from 6 to 8 p.m. at All Saints Episcopal Church, 634 West Peachtree St., will focus on how ABI and MARTA are working together to complete an Environmental Impact Statement as required to compete for federal transportation funding and preserve the BeltLine right-of-way. The conversation will cover feedback from the first round of public scoping meetings including updated goals and objectives and new evaluation criteria and a review of the EIS process and milestones for public input. It will also include an open house on the inventory of existing environmental, cultural, and socio-economic features along the BeltLine that may be impacted by construction of the transit and trails.
Georgia House Nixes New Transportation Agency
Atlanta Business Chronicle
After the senate narrowly passed the bill three weeks ago, the house has voted it down. Much of the concern is over the fact that the govenor, lieutenant govenor and speaker would be responsible for appointing the members of the agency. We should see a new version of the bill sometime next week though.
Georgia Legislature is Pushing to Ease Restrictions on Stream Barriers
Georgia Public Broadcasting
The Georgia Legislature is seeking to soften mandatory buffers aimed at protecting Georgia's waterways from pollution and development. The House voted 106-58 Thursday to remove the buffers around an untold number of unnamed tributaries - or ephemeral streams - that crisscross the state. State law provides for a 25 foot buffer along all streams and as much as 150 feet for watersheds providing drinking water. Supporters say many of the streams are little more than ditches and that the buffers restrict growth and hamper property rights. Critics say loosening rules could threaten the state's clean water.
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