Peach Bites

Georgia Tech Makes the Honor Roll - The Princeton Review has named Georgia Tech to its Green College Honor Roll. Georgia Tech is the only university in the region to make the list and strikingly absent is Emory University which has more LEED certified buildings than any campus in the nation. MNN
Suniva May Go Public - The Norcross based solar company is considering going public. They have raised $75M in private funding and are looking for more. The company has obtained over $1 billion in orders. Atlanta Business Chronicle
Atlanta Ranks 33rd in Sustainability - The NRDC recently released rankings of the most sustainable cities in the US. The west coast came out on top with Seattle winning the #1 spot and San Francisco and Portland close behind. Roswell was 23rd on the smaller cities list. Creative Loafing
Help For Our Right Whales - New technology may help ships avoid collisions with whales. This will help the dwindling population of right whales that breed off the coast of Georgia. TreeHugger
They'll Call it HotterLanta Soon - I hate the silly name of Hot-Lanta that our city picked up in the 90s but it is appropriate now and will be later this century if predictions are correct. A report released recently on the potential impacts of global warming states that average temperatures in the 2080s will likely be 4.5 to 9 degrees hotter.
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