Peach Bites

Phillips Arena Gets Top Billing - Apparently, Phillips Arena is the #1 concert and events facility in the US based on attendance figures. It's also number seven in the world. Not bad for the first LEED certified arena in either the NBA or NHL. AJC
Environmentally Friendly High School Opens This Year - The new LEED certified Arabia Mountain High School will be opening in the coming weeks to approximately 1,100 new students. The school is Georgia's first LEED certified school and will have an environmentally concious curriculum. My Fox Atlanta
What Do We Need Now??... A Faster Way to Macon, Of Course - According to this article, state lawmakers "have been 'flirting' with the idea of high speed rail for years." Their definition of flirting and my definition of flirting must be drastically different. This might be a good idea for the region but IMO, it will never happen. 13 WMAZ
Green Communities Awards Given by Atlanta Regional Commission - I have to say that this is a great idea. Certification of communities as green is a step in the right direction. However, it has to make sense. The first recipients are Decatur, Alpharetta and Cobb County. Living in Alpharetta, I can safely say that it is FAR from anything that should be considered a Green community. Cobb County is not much better. I just worry that labeling a community as "Green" for its intentions rather than the existing reality is misleading. Look for a later post on this topic. Atlanta Regional Commission

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