A Holcomb Bridge Upgrade...
This is the 15th post in a series of posts this December that will chronicle the 25 things we would most like to see in Roswell. None of these are actually happening... at least in the way we'd like them to. Please enjoy and have a happy holidays!
Well, I really don't have the most coherent idea around this wish list item. However, I do think that the current situation on Holcomb Bridge needs improving
1. Improve the 400 Interchange and Create a Gateway to our City.
2. Organize the corridor by neighborhood nodes. I see 6 logical nodes that would either be neighborhoods or districts. Either way, they should be organized around the principles of new urbanism which would create diverse, walkable environments that have a mix of uses incorporated. Those areas from west to east are Hardscrabble Rd, Woodstock Rd, Alpharetta Hwy, 400, Eves Rd (See our previous post about building a bridge over the hooch that would further feed this node) & Nesbit Ferry.
3. Create the appropriate zoning system such as a Form Based or Transect based Code that will encourage development around neighborhoods and districts rather than allowing the entire corridor to be over-zoned with commercial. The Midtown Roswell Redevelopment Plan uses an overlay zoning code to encourage the proper type of development. I'd like to see it go further and extend to Holcomb Bridge and I'd also like to see it fully adopted instead of being an overlay.
4. Connect the area with a coherent, reliable and frequent transit system that feeds into a larger regional transit system.
5. Add better street trees, sidewalks, signage and aesthetics. The city has done a good job on the sidewalks piece but we can go further.
Here are some images of projects that are either active, on hold or dead that illustrate what could happen along the corridor.
Gateway to Roswell @ 400
Roswell East @ 400
Centennial Walk @ Eves Rd
Holcomb Bridge @ Alpharetta Hwy Redevelopment Plan
images in order of appearance: The Suss-Man Mike @ Flickr, ASD, SoldOnRoswell.com, Tunspan, Roswell Gov
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