CNU18 Review
We even had one here in Roswell that was hosted by our very own Lew Oliver of Whole Town Solutions as well as the AIA and ICA. I helped out at the event pouring wine for tour participants (and myself) at Bulloch Hall. From what I could tell, the event was a success and our guests went away with a good feel for our city and the classical architecture that has been well preserved here.
Here is a video that kicked the conference off.
Now, I didn't attend the conference as I just don't have that kind of dough hanging around. However, I have scoured the internet to find videos, podcasts and articles that will give you a pretty good overview of what went down.
David Byrne speaking about new urbanism and bicycling
Part 1
Part 2
Andres Duany on the Smart Growth Manual
David Byrne on Bicycles, Atlanta's Sprawl and Burying Highways - Creative Loafing Notable Quote: “…if you only drive to meet people exactly like yourself, you aren’t really sharing ideas, you’re just reinforcing your own pre-existing ideas. The thing about many cities — and getting out of the tin bubble — is that they facilitate random encounters, inspirations and connections.”
CNU Folks Pray for City Build for People and Bicycles - Saporta Report Notable Quotes: “I personally feel like the new urbanists bend over backwards to accommodate cars,” Brewer said, adding that one of his favorite places in the world is Eze in France, which is built into a hill on two-and-a-half acres — too compact a community for cars. “Why aren’t we new urbanists building new Ezes?” Brewer asked. “Why aren’t we more willing to put cars out. Keeping cars out means peace and quiet.
Beaches, Booze and Briefs: A New Urban Odyssey and Retail Lament - Place Shakers Blog Notable Quote: "CNU 18 was inspirational, uplifting and educational as usual, however, Atlanta’s downtown tourist district offered only a regrettable shopping experience. It was nearing my 9th day quickly and it dawned on me that in order to buy new shirts, pants, socks, and under garments for everyday use (and not consisting of souvenirs) I was at the mercy of a car and regional retail on the suburban fringe."
New Urbanists Convene in "Sprawlanta" Seeking Solutions to Bright Flight - Fast Company Notable Quote: "the suburban poor population grew at roughly five times the rate of the city poor population over the decade." The result is what has been termed as "bright flight" -- the shift among younger, highly educated, higher earning Americans from suburbs to cities, overturning the pattern of their parents' and grandparents' generation."
New Urbanism for the Apocalypse - Fast Company
Interesting Facts:
Georgia's CNU membership as of 2008 ranked 7th in the US. (Better than you might have thought)
Atlanta has the highest number of babies born in traffic of any U.S.
If you have any additional links or if you would like to add to the discussion, please post your comments.
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