#17... Barrington Hall
Why We Love It...
It is Historic Roswell. Barrington hall was Roswell King's home and it's still the at the heart of our city's history. It's in a fantastic location just off the square. The building was built in the greek revival style and is a fantastic example of our architectural history. There are great programs for guests to enjoy and the programming is regular which says this is a stable monument to our heritage that the city will continue to support.
The grounds are beautiful and a walk through them brings you back to a different time (except for the constant sound of traffic from hwy 9). The path up to the front door is one of my favorite features. It's a fun place to go and we're lucky to have it in the center of our neighborhood.
What We Would Change...
Well, there are a few things but not really dealing with the house itself. First, we'd tear down the upper wall on the terraced wall on the north and east sides of the property. You just can't see the home from the most traveled streets especially during the summer months. I'm sure a wall would be warranted for privacy purposes if someone actually lived there. However, Barrington Hall is really a monument to the legacy of our city. It should be visible.
After we tear down that wall, we'd certainly make sure there were better sidewalks along the road to encourage people (not cars) to actually feel comfortable around the property. These are coming soon but can't come soon enough in my opinion.
Finally, we'd find a way to use the periphery of the grounds better and in more of a park like manner. Maybe a well designed playground on the edge of the grounds (not too close to the house, there's plenty of room on 7 acres). I'd also be in favor of adding a true community garden somewhere on the grounds. The only one we have in Roswell is out off Crossville Road at the Leita Thomas Memorial Park. That's just too darn far to expect people to go to tend to their garden.
image: SmithsonianMag.com
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