#25... The Farmer's Market
Why We Love It..
We are huge proponents of healthy eating and shopping at the Farmer's Market is definitely something we love to do. Unfortunately, we don't make it out nearly enough. Competing demands on Saturday mornings.
The music is a nice touch and there are always friendly vendors with good, tasty food.
What We Would Change..
The Location. Sure it's cheap for the city to have it at City Hall and yes there is plenty of Parking. However, it just doesn't get the visibility. If you want to attract the casual shopper, it has to be visible. The move from Riverside Park was a step in the right direction but it's still not quite where it needs to be. If it were me, I'd figure out a way to have it right at the intersection of Canton St and Hwy 9. That's where the life is and there's not a better place to catch the eye of a driver passing by. If that's not doable, the square would probably do nicely as well.
Compare our Farmer's Market to the Alpharetta Farmer's Market and you quickly see that we have been one-upped by our neighbor to the north. Although they do have it in a parking lot, it is in a highly visible location and they now have a fantastic sign there to advertise to all passers by that the Farmer's Market is there. It gives it a feel of permanence that ours doesn't have.
Also, I could be a little behind on this but I think ours is still called the Riverside Farmer's Market. We should probably change that. Maybe the Roswell Farmer's Market.
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