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Out with the Old.. In with the New

In yesterday's NUR Update, I mentioned that there is a vote this week on whether a demolition request will be approved for the old red building that sits vacant at 647 Atlanta Street and the old shed structure that sits behind it on Maple Street.  This is the first step toward realization of an incredible vision that was proposed by Andres Duany in the Historic Gateway Master Plan.  Please take the time to contact the Historic Preservation Commission if you are in favor of approval of this demolition and consider attending the meeting on Wednesday at 6pm at City Hall.  We need all the help we can get in order.  

Local resident and world renowned architect, designer and town planner, Lew Oliver, issued a call to action to ensure those who are in favor of progress are heard.  Read Lew's Letter.  The key point that Lew makes is this:

The issue is not that the structures are historic…they are in fact.  They contain 19th century materials and traces of the past.  They are, however, very much compromised, obscured, to use preservationist jargon.  The larger issue is that they are in the direct path of progress.  The progress I am referring to is not as it has been in our recent past, where great buildings, streets, or the environment are sacrificed for the sake of a degraded landscape, which currently surrounds and in fact forms the spine of our City.  The progress I am referring to is the implementation of the Andres Duany (DPZ) scheme for providing Roswell with a real heart, a commercial and civic realm with no equal in North Georgia.

Below are some images of the current situation versus what has been proposed and what is the vision that the land owners have in mind.

Current Structure

This building has been empty for 10+ years.  The one behind it on Maple St has been vacant much longer.  At some point, it's time to admit that this building has realized all of it's potential and it's time to move on.

Current versus the Master Plan Vision

The red shaded area is the space that the two buildings occupy.  As you can see, this spot is critical to realizing the overall vision.

The Master Plan Vision

This is the vision of what we could see.  This is looking south from Oxbo.  The property in question would be part of the development in the upper right of this rendering.



Reader Comments (7)

Looking south from Oxbo, wouldn't 647 Atlanta St. be upper left of that rendering?
September 17, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterbrink
This development is on the east side of 9. The rendering shows a completely new street that would run parallel to Atlanta St. The properties in question would be on the right (west) side of the new street sitting in between Atlanta St and the new street.
September 17, 2012 | Registered CommenterMichael D Hadden
Gotcha. Thanks!
September 18, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterbrink
Michael, for clarification, although Lew is a good designer, he is not an architect, he clearly states that on his website as well. Registration boards get real serious when architects or landscape architects names are associated with designers who are not licensed. Anyway, great article and I hope your recent addition to the family is doing great!
September 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMickey O'Brien
This building should go and the remains recycled into another building if possible. It is impossible to get in and out of the property so no one has touched it in ten years. It sits there day after day .... I have driven past it hundreds of time and wondered what would happen to it.. while It is old that is not enough reason to save it adds nothing to the city of Roswell
September 19, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterK in Roswell
I currently NOW work in this building that was "going to be demolished". Its a lovely buiding and business has been booming! Just wanted to let every know that there is no reason to take away such a great place. The whole point for it being called Historic Roswell.. is because it is Historic... whats going to happen when you keep knocking out old historic building..? It wont be Historic anymore and then we just have a regular old city turned into new, then Roswell will be nothing to remember but just a new re-built city. Then no one will want to come visit because the history is GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTiff
Thanks for your comment Tiff. I'm glad your business is doing well and that the building is finally getting used. I think the only reason to tear down a building of this nature is if we will get something better in return.
May 7, 2013 | Registered CommenterMichael D Hadden

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