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Entries in Architecture (15)


Behold.. College Park aka West Roswell Elementary

You may be getting tired of my posts and tweets on the new "West Roswell" Elementary school and if you are, I unapologetically offer you this post which is short on words and big on pictures.  At the 8/22 Fulton County Schools board meeting, it was decided that the model used for the currently under construction College Park Elementary will be the model for the "West Roswell" Elementary.  I was able to dig up images from the Fulton County Schools website.  

You be the judge but I think we can do better.  I am all for the new school and I think the site is appropriate (although unnecessarily large).  However, I am not for a cookie cutter design that has no architectural significance to the surroundings.  Here is what we can expect for the nearly $20,000,000 school.  I think the interior will be great.. but the exterior is BLAH!!

Just say NO to cookie cutter architecture for public buildings in Roswell!

images: Fulton County Schools


Watch & Learn: Built to Last...

I came across this great time lapsed video of Paris through the Urbanophile blog the other day. Paris is an incredible city and is a great example of a city whose 'old urbanism' has shaped the modern smart growth and new urbanist movements. I've only been to Paris twice for very short times but the thing that impressed me the most about it was how at home you feel in the environment even when you don't speak the language. Things just seem to be built at the right scale for human activity. The other thing that always kills me is that these buildings were built 100+ years ago. The people who built them intended for them to be there for centuries. We don't build things like that to frequently anymore. Check out the video

Le Flรขneur (music by The XX) from Luke Shepard on Vimeo.

You're getting a 2 for 1 today since I couldn't resist posting this incredible video of Paris shot in 1976 by the driver of a Ferrari racing through the streets at what must be incredible speeds. Illegal.. yes, badass.. yes.. glad no one got hurt... yes. Enjoy!


Peach Bites

We haven't posted a Peach Bites column in a while so we have built up quite a backlog.  There has been a lot of buzz about water and transit over the past month and we've tried to capture the highlights in today's post.   
Georgia to Appeal Water Ruling - Who didn't see this one coming?  We'll see what happens but one thing I know for sure, the federal government will not cut millions of people off from their water source.  Well, I'm not 100% sure about that but politicans want votes and thirsty people don't vote for the politicians who let them go thirsty... - GPB
New Reservoir Proposed for North Georgia - I don't know what to think of this one.  On one hand, I say it may be a good idea since it will set aside 8,000 acres of the 10,000 acres of wilderness that the city owns in the Dawson Forest.  However, the other tells me that $650 million to build a dam that will disrupt natural habitat is insane when we haven't exhausted our water conservation efforts.  Atlanta Business Chronicle
Clayton County Among Nation's Most 'Water Wise' Counties - American Rivers recently named Clayton County one of the nation's most "water wise" communities.  The wetland filtration system that Clayton County created years ago is integral to its ranking.  While keeping wetlands in tact, Clayton County was able to maintain a 230 day drinking water supply at the height of the drought while Lake Lanier was as low as 90 days.  This is a win for the environment and for the people of Clayton county. - Atlanta Business Chronicle
Half a Penny for Metro Transportation Just Not Worth the Trouble - If you've ever been in sales (or politics), you learn quickly that compromise rarely means mean win-win.  Moving from a penny sales tax to a half-penny sales tax increase is a compromise that panders to political pressure and doesn't follow logic or the spirit of the tax.  It's boring stuff but worth a read if you are interested in the future (or lack thereof) of transit in Georgia. - Saporta Report
MARTA Could Run the Beltline - Sure... Let's see if MARTA can run MARTA first...  I have my thoughts on MARTA and it's future but that's not for a Peach Bite comment.  I'm sure it's inevitable and it would make for the most seamless transit experience but MARTA just has so many issues.  There is a better way and I'll touch on that in a later post. -  AJC
Atlanta Streetcar Makes Pitch for Public Funding - I'm a huge proponent of the Peachtree Streetcar.  Unfortunately, I get the feeling that the only reason other people are excited about it is because it is really the only 'shovel ready' transit project in Atlanta that affords us the opportunity to get some government cheese.  If we do build it, my prediction is that it will be wildly successful.  Expect to hear something from the Feds by Feb 2010. -  Saporta Report
Atlanta-Chattanooga MagLev Rail Gets Dose of Cash - This could be one of the first steps taken in the south to connect the region with a 21st century transit system.  The Federal Transit Administration is providing $14.2 million to pay for environmental and engineering studies on a MagLev train that could connect the two cities.  Imagine zipping to Chattanooga in 30 minutes. This would be good for business, recreation and image. - AJC
MagLev Train Shuttle to Braves Stadium? - Okay... Do I really think we need this??  NO.  But, it would be crazy cool.  Stepping back to reality though, let's take that money and move it to the Beltline.  Or just build a regular train service.  MagLev is totally unnecessary for this type of shuttle system.  Let's focus on the Atlanta-Chattanooga MagLev.   - Atlanta Unsheltered
Beltline Names New CEO - Brian Leary, vice president of Atlantic Station, was recently named the new CEO of Atlanta Beltline Inc.  This looks to be a good move.  With this though, I am predicting a change of the northwestern path of the Beltline to now cut through Atlantic Station instead of going to the north and west of it.  We shall see.. - Creative Loafing
Beltline's Feasibility Rides to Forefront - The worrisome thing about the Beltline is that the financial plan around securing funding is primarily based on increasing property tax revenues.  The plan was devised prior to the real estate market crash back in 2005 and hasn't been changed.  Finding $1.7 billion from property tax revenues might prove impossible in the new environment.  Personally, I believe that the project is integral to the city and the 'leadership' will find a way to make it happen regardless. - AJC
Metro Atlanta Needs a Metro Solution to Transportation - Jay Bookman gives some very interesting insight on the history of transportation planning in the state and the current and future needs.  A really notable fact is that the state of Georgia ranks 49th in per capita dollars spent on transportation.  The other was that metro Atlanta accounts for ~28% of transportation spending.  I wanted to see if that was proportionate to the population and found that it is significantly below.  Approximately 60% of the residents of GA live in the metro area.  We need to let to politicians know that change is needed. -  Jay Bookman (AJC)
MARTA Wins Solar Energy Grant - Marta is planning to use $10.8 million in federal grants to put solar panels on top of bus canopies.  The panels will be installed at the Laredo Bus Maintenance Facility in Decatur. This will be the largest PV system in GA. - Atlanta Business Chronicle
Atlanta Bests San Francisco for Green Building - For some reason, Atlanta doesn't seem to get the respect it deserves in this area.  We're good but we could be better.  Right now, we're 5th in the nation in LEED certified buildings at 53.  Chicago has 88, Portland has 73, Seattle has 63 and DC has 57.  San Fran is right behind us at 50. - San Francisco Chronicle via Chicago Tribune
Lovett's New Green Middle School - The unfortunate thing is that most Atlantans can't afford to send their kids to Lovett.  But, the school's commitment to sustainability and environmental issues is something to be commended.  The new facility is seeking LEED Gold certification and has a green roof and rainwater harvesting system among other features. - WSBTV
Going Green Pays Off - Man, I hate the phrase "going green."  What does it mean?  It seems to me that it's up to anyone's interpretation.  Am I 'going green' because I use CFLs or bring reusable shopping bags to Whole Foods for my groceries??  Well, that's not the point of the article.  The exciting thing that I took from this article is that the Westin downtown will finally be replacing the windows lost during the tornado.  And... those windows will be thicker, darker and better insulating.  There are a few other buildings that are highlighted like 1180 Peachtree and the Emory University Conference Center Hotel. - AJC
Don Wells Named Atlanta's 2009 Cox Conserves Hero - Mountain Stewards, Wells' non profit organization, will receive a $5,000 donation from Cox Enterprises. - Trust for Public Land


Recycling Pick-Up Back On in the City of Atlanta - How exciting!  Recycling!  Wow!  How are other cities going to compete with us now that we have recycling again? We are truly 'going green' here in Atlanta. -  The Buckhead Blog

Stay tuned for next week's installment of Peach Bites.  Feel free to send me any articles or stories that you come across at


Peach Bites

Southface Eco Office Officially Opens in Atlanta - The new LEED Platinum certified Southface Eco Office is one of the most efficient office buildings in the world. Oh yeah, it is also Energy Star rated, EarthCraft Light Commercial certified and meets the 2030 Challenge.  MNN
Atlantic Station Eyes Electric Cars - Marietta based Long Drive Solar is in talks with The Jacoby Group to possibly supply hundreds of solar powered vehicles to Atlantic Station. The vehicles would range from two seater golf carts to 30 passenger buses. Atlantic Station is looking better and better as a green live, work, play destination. Atlanta Business Chronicle
Atlanta Streetcar Can be an Economic Driver - We are big fans of the streetcar project. Obviously, it would be neat to see old style streetcars going up and down Peachtree but many people completely underestimate the economic and residential impact of the south's biggest and most influential business corridor. Having a transit option that could get people that "last mile" from a MARTA station to their home or office would be a big win. Take the Money and Build! AJC
We Need a Plan for High-Speed Rail - The most discouraging thing with the whole high speed rail thing is that our city could be a major leader given its location. However, the focus just hasn't been there. Now, we face the possibility of letting Charlotte pass us by on this front. AJC

Kennesaw State Opens "Green" Dining Hall - This is a great step in the right direction for one of our local universities. The facility is huge with 54,000 square feet and is very green with vegan food that is locally sourced served on compostable paper products. The LEED certification will be a plus as well.  AJC

Metro Atlanta is Too Good of a Water Steward?? - Apparently, we are too good at conserving water. Too Good!! Now, we're pretty water concious in our family yet I'm sure we could do much better at conserving.  I'm 100% positive that at least 75% of Atlantans don't even think about water conservation. North


Decatur Library Hosting Green Remodeling Seminar Series


We learned about a very interesting series of seminars on green remodeling from the folks at Renewal Design-Build.  The three seminars will be presented by the experts at Renewal Design-Build and will be held at the Decatur Library.  Below is a detailed description of the events that we received from Kelly at Renewal Design-Build:



Topics discussed will be: The Homeowner’s Guide to Green Remodeling, Show Me the Money:Why Green makes Sense for Your Wallet, and Creating a Healthy Home.  The library is even featuring local green experts as speakers. Peter Michelson, CEO of Decatur’s Renewal Design-Build, and Joe Thomas, certified Home Performance Consultant for Renewal System Solutions, will be speaking from their extensive experience with green renovations. Renewal Design-Build is an EarthCraft Renovator of the Year and was even featured on a green remodeling show last summer. “Our hope is that this series will meet the needs of Decatur and Atlanta homeowners, who are interested in going green but may not know where to begin,” says Karen Skellie, coordinator for the Library. “By bringing in green experts who are also local residents, we feel as if the community will really benefit from the speakers’ knowledge on greening homes that are similar to their own.”

The date and description of each seminar are as follows: 

  • Tuesday, September 8, 7:00PM: The Homeowner’s Guide to Green Remodeling

Thinking of going green but don’t know where to begin? This seminar will discuss the typical Decatur home’s inefficiencies, some possible solutions, and how incorporating “green” into your home will benefit your wallet, health, and peace of mind.

  • Saturday, October 17, 10:00AM: Show Me the Money:Why Green Makes Sense for Your Wallet

This seminar will discuss how certain green improvements to your home will increase energy efficiency and save you money. In addition, you will learn how the most recent green tax credits and rebates will put even more money in your pocket.

  • Saturday, November 14, 10:00AM: Creating a Healthy Home

Recent EPA studies have shown that the air in your home may be even more harmful than the air outside. In this seminar, you’ll learn how to improve the indoor air quality of your home and protect your family from indoor air pollutants like gases, chemicals, pests, radon, and carbon monoxide.

Renewal Design-Build, 124 S. Columbia Dr. in Decatur, an EarthCraft Renovator of the Year, provides complete solutions for renovations, additions, kitchens, baths, porches, decks, small projects and repairs.

For more information, call 404.378.6962 or visit the Decatur Library’s website at



The Congress of The New Urbanism Heads to Atlanta for its 2010 Meeting

The 18th annual Congress for The New Urbanism will be held May 19th - 22nd in Atlanta. It's great to play host to such a forward thinking roundtable. The theme of this year's congress is Prescription for Healthy Places. There will obviously be a big discussion about how neighborhood design impacts health and overall happiness. Surprisingly, Atlanta has come a long way since the 90's and we now have some great mixed use if not completly new urbanist neighborhoods. Some of the best examples are Atlantic Station, Glenwood Park, Smyrna Village Green and Serenbe. Take a quick look at the video and find out a little more about the CNU.


The Unfinished Skyline

image courtesy of Coka Koehler at Flickr

From the Peachtree Streetcar to Trump Towers, projects are on hold and dreams have been dashed. Maybe we'll see some of these projects in 5 or 10 years and hopefully, they'll all have a sustainable flair to them.  Fortunately, our skyline isn't riddled with unfinished projects like many other cities are. 

Rachel Tobin-Ramos with the AJC had a great artile this week abou the unfinished and unstarted projects along Atlanta's most popular road.  The City That Never Was



Peach Bites

McMansions Out of Favor, for Now -

When they get cheap enough, do you think they will be in favor again? I hope this is a sustainable trend but I'm not 100% convinced yet.

Organic Box Program @ Emory - in Decatur
Emory has started the Emory Organic Box Program to help connect farm-fresh produce, local, sustainable farms and the Emory Community. Those Emory Students don't realize how good they have it.

Suniva lands Fairburn project - Atlanta Business Chronicle - Atlanta Business Chronicle

Norcross based Suniva will supply solar cells to Woodbridge at Parkway Village an independent senior living facility. This is great for Georgia since Woodbridge will be the first Georgia location to have an all Georgia solar installation.

Go Green Intown: ICS Contract Services' Cleaning Service is the Southeast's First Green Seal Program - Go Green Intown

Why aren't more businesses and cleaning companies jumping on this wagon? I guess it's an awareness thing because I have a difficult time just getting my maid to use green products. But, she is gradually opening up and recognizing that they do just as good of a job.


Peach Bites

Study: Use mass transit, save more than $9,000 a year - AJC

I could definitely use $9k a year. I don't think this will work out too well for those of us living in Alpharetta though.

Greenhaven Home by Pace Home Builders Open to the Public July 10th - Greenhaven Home

I love the idea and the Greenhaven home has ALL of the bells, whistles and certifications to make it a green home. However, I just can't fully buy into the 5k - 7k square foot green home. That's just gigantic. The builder says they are building what buyers are demanding but it just doesn't seem green.

Atlanta ranks as Southeast’s No. 4 city - Atlanta Business Chronicle

This isn't so much green as it is interesting. Study authored by NC professor ranks Atlanta fourth out of nine cities in the southeast on factors affecting economic growth. Atlanta is behind Raleigh-Durham, Austin and Charlotte (hmmmm).

Commuter buses' idling causes stir - AJC

Maybe we wouldn't have this issue if the two big counties to the north of the city had had the foresight to become part of MARTA years ago.


Peach Bites


HOV lanes switching to toll lanes on I-85 - I guess Money talks. I wonder how much this will actually help congestion. If you don't want to pay the 'tax,' you can still use the lanes if you have 3 or more people in your vehicle.

EPA Gives BeltLine $1M for Cleanup (2009-06-02)

WABE - Wow!! There are over 100 brownfield areas along the Beltline corridor that are still in need of cleanup. Hopefully, this $1 million can stretch a long way.

Proposed Coal Plant Loses Support

GPB News - Good to hear that four energy suppliers have lost interest in the proposed coal power plant in Douglasville. This leaves only six remaining companies backing the proposed plant.

Greenpeace places Publix last for seafood sustainability

Atlanta Business Chronicle - Not a very good score for one of the largest grocers in the metro area. The highest rated company was Whole Foods but they only scored a 4 out of 10.

The Buckhead Blog: Streets of Buckhead Delays Opening to Fall 2010

The Buckhead Blog - Unfortunately, we're going to have to wait a little longer to see how the old Buckhead Village evolves into its next incarnation. The project is seeking LEED certification and should be another great addition to the Atlanta scene.