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Friday Factiod: Atlanta's Driving Costs

AAA’s “Crashes vs. Congestion – What’s the Cost to Society?” reported metro Atlanta’s car crashes cost the area $10.8 billion, or $1.979 per person, in 2009. The report also noted 498 deaths and 62,263 injuries related to car crashes in metro Atlanta.

Almost 500 deaths a year on our roads.  We just accept it and move on.  Driving is the most dangerous thing that the average Atlantan does and we continue to want to widen roads, drive faster and live in an environment where the car dictates our lives.  We should be building places that don't require us to get into a car for every trip.

Atlanta Business Chronicle via ATLUrbanist

Reader Comments (4)

I agree that we need to build communities which is aware of traffic concerns. The current economic crisis has made this even more clear. In my home town of Roswell, my councilman Rich Dippolito believes more road plans is the answer. I recently found a web site which questions how we fund these plans. Let me know what you think.!
November 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSarah
I agree that we need to build communities which is aware of traffic concerns. The current economic crisis has made this even more clear. In my home town of Roswell, my councilman Rich Dippolito believes more road plans is the answer. I recently found a web site which questions how we fund these plans. Let me know what you think.!
November 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSarah
We need to build a community where everyone is disciplined enough to follow traffic rules. Too bad it doesn't exists in a lot of countries.
November 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGarage Equipment
The driver should follow traffic rules to avoid accidents. That's the key to reduce accident in the road.
November 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMary Lane | ac condenser

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