Quote of the Week: Parking
Wednesday, November 9, 2011 at 10:51PM
Since I've been thinking about Parking lately, I thought this one would be good...
As more land is used for parking, less land is left for the things that really make a city great: a place to live, work, shop and socialize. Our data supports this concept. ...
The best use of the city’s land is making great places that attract people. The role of transportation policy should be to provide access to these places in the fairest, most efficient ways.
Christopher McCahill from Too Much Parking, Too Few Residents at New Urban Network
The article covers analysis of New Haven, CT and has an interesting image of New Haven's parking space in 1951 and the same area in 2008. It looks like cancer.
Reader Comments (3)
The parking lots & decks of downtown are dead zones that break up the flow of the parts of the urban fabric that have real life in them. They're like stumbling blocks to good urbanism.